Additional Services

At First State Bank, banking doesn't just stop at accounts and loans. We offer our hard-working customers a wide variety of supplemental services to add ease to their banking lives — online, by phone, in-branch, and beyond.

If you're looking for something specific and it isn't found here or elsewhere on the site, please be sure to let us know! We're always here to make sure banking is convenient for you.

Teller Services

  • Cashier’s checks
  • Coin counting
  • Fax service

Routing Number

First State Bank's routing number is: 071921532.

Safe Deposit Box Rental

Enjoy greater peace of mind by adding an extra layer of protection to your most valuable possessions. Stop by any First State Bank branch to get details about safe deposit box rental.

Direct Deposit

Build your balance — automatically. Have all or part of your check deposited to your account balance every month. Speak to a helpful representative to add this convenience today.

Wire Transfer Services

Move money across county, state, country, or even world with ease. We offer our customers both domestic and international wire transfer capabilities. Contact us for details.

Educational Resources Employment Opportunities Rates Additional Services

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